Tuesday, April 17, 2007

how to ruin a good picture..

XYZ: When are you posting?

Heh heh: Can’t think of anything. How about a pic?

XYZ: fine

Heh heh: ok, i'm sending you a pic. please to suggest a suitable caption. And i want it done pronto

XYZ: ok

i'll try and think up something dirty :)

Heh heh: i doubt you will, once you look at it

XYZ: oh no

is it something deep?

Haven’t we discussed my allergy towards all things deep?

Heh heh: not deep. just nice. you will like.

XYZ: ok


Heh heh: sent

XYZ: it is a very pretty picture

Ok - i am thinking something about hero heroine walking to sunset

perhaps as a form of foreplay

(anything can be dirty if you try)

Heh heh: you are incorrigible. now think.

XYZ: ...then they walked hand-in-hand into the sunset, enveloped by their unshakable love and armed with trojans- ribbed for her pleasure.

Heh heh: yeah. but ribbed ones are unfair to the guy - lets go with ultra-thins

XYZ: fine

ultra-thins for enhanced sensation

see that doesn’t work as well as ribbed for her pleasure

Heh heh: it does. for the guy.

XYZ: hahahahaha

and I am incorrigible?

Heh heh: you are the one who brought condoms into a very beautiful picture

XYZ: i know but it is much too much to have a pretty picture with earnest caption

silly is good

Heh heh: yeah. but i feel like being earnest. Now, what do you think?

XYZ: the sky is incredibly blue.

See, this is the sort of nonsense i say when i am trying to be earnest

XYZ: seriously - the plane represents their soaring desires

Heh heh: You are hopeless


XYZ: post!

Heh heh: will do.

you still haven’t given me a decent caption

XYZ: i can’t do earnest

Heh heh: then do funny

XYZ: i did!

Heh heh: otherwise i'll post that pic and this chat conversation

XYZ: i am not afraid of you

as long as you spell check

oh wait

this is the crush conversation

i hate you

Heh heh: oh, i'm not cruel

i'll just put the bits about the condoms

and let people know the kind of dirty-minded friends i have

Heh heh: And the post will be titled 'how to ruin a good picture..'

[1] Photo taken from an unnamed off Netarts, Oregon


Anonymous said...


Revealed said...

I could think of sooooo many incredibly umm creative captions for that one. If only you'd asked. Sigh.

Heh Heh said...

anon: thanks, as always

revealed: Please go ahead and suggest away. Never too late, no?

bm: right. I imagine you would have come up with something funnier. and if not that, definitely filthier.

Tabula Rasa said...

you mean those are not correlated?

Heh Heh said...

tr: not necessarily, no?

Anonymous said...

Why don't people ever ask me such things. *sigh*

Tabula Rasa said...

i'd say there's a pretty high correlation, which could be either positive or negative depending on the eye of the beholder :-D

Heh Heh said...

ph: sure, if there was *any* way of asking you, I would have

TR: Heh. but it could also be filthy and unfunny. But i guess you would call that a negative correlation